Understanding the crucial role of the 20-degree split in HVAC systems.

In a scorching world of extreme heat and property management, the battle of HVAC systems comes into play. Join us as we delve into the critical topic of 20-degree splits among HVAC systems. Florida’s triple-digit temperatures are no joke, and we’re here to decode what that means for you. Learn about the 20-degree split rule, how to set realistic temperature expectations, and why striving for a 20-degree gap between outdoor and indoor temperatures is essential for a smoothly operating system. Whether you’re a homeowner, tenant, or real estate enthusiast, find out how to keep your cool and make the most of your HVAC unit. 

Feel free to watch the full message above or use these timestamps that will direct you to various points in the video:

0:00 — Introduction

0:28 — The 20-degree split rule

1:12 — More than 20 degrees can cause issues

2:18 — Use the right size system

4:54 — Wrapping up

Remember, if you have any questions about HVAC for tenants and homeowners, or about real estate in general, please feel free to reach out to me by phone or email. I would be happy to serve as your resource for all of your property management and real estate needs.